Summer 2025 Session Availability

Please click the options below to select sessions that are currently accepting campers.

Wait List Information

If you would like to register for a particular session that is marked “FULL” in the sections below, please proceed to registration where you will see the session marked as “Waitlist Only.” You will not be charged, but when you complete the process, you’ll be added to the wait list.  You will be contacted by phone and/or email to offer your child any spaces that remain open, or may become open if there is a cancellation.

Regular Overnight Sessions 6½ Days

Grades 3 – 11.  Please select your gender identity when registering.

Note: Campers registered for more than one consecutive week must be picked up at the departure time and returned at the arrival time of the following session.






Session 1 OPEN OPEN June 15 – 21 $675
Session 2 room for 4 boys in 4th grade; 2 boys in 5th grade; 1 boy in 6th grade FULL June 22 – June 28 (Teens in Session 2 must choose Rover or WoHeLo Keepers) $675
Session 3 OPEN OPEN Mini Trails Only $675
Session 4 OPEN OPEN July 6 – July 12 $675
Session 5 OPEN OPEN July 13 – July 19 $675
Session 6 OPEN OPEN July 20 – July 26 $675
Session 7 room for 1 boy, 8th to 11th grade and room for all boys 3rd to 7th grades OPEN July 27 – August 2 $675

Arrival Time: Sunday: Families with their Last name beginning with A to K, 3 PM to 3:45 PM;  L to Z, 3:45 to 4:30 PM.
Departure Time: Saturday, 10 AM to 11 AM. 

Mini Trails Sessions 3.5 Days

Grades 2 – 6: A shorter “try it” session for younger campers –
Session A Arrival Times: Sunday, 3 PM to 4 PM. Departure Time: Wednesday, 10 AM to 11 AM.
Session B Arrival Times: Wednesday, 3:30 PM to 4 PM. Departure Time: Saturday, 10 AM to 11 AM.
Please select your gender identity when registering.






Session 2A OPEN OPEN June 22-25 $360
Session 2B OPEN OPEN June 25-28 $360
Session 3 OPEN OPEN June 29-July 2 $360

Rover Backpacking Experience (8th Grade and Up)

Wohelo Keepers 10-Day Adventure (for High Schoolers)

Open to all teens but especially exciting for those returning campers that want to do something special in addition to all the regular activities. Please select your gender identity when registering.






Session 2 – Rover OPEN OPEN June 22-28 $725
Session 2 – WoHeLo Keepers OPEN OPEN June 22- July 2 $850

Family Camp Program  – August 3 – 6th.

Join the amazing Camp Wyandot staff for Family Camp!  Families will have camp all to themselves during this special program designed just for them!  Families will be able to create their own schedule from a selection of Wyandot activities including swimming, hiking, crafts, games, kayaking, boating, campfires and more.
This program does not receive discounts.

Arrival Sunday, 3 PM; Departure Wednesday. 10 AM. 



Family Groups



Session 3 OPEN Aug. 3-6
$100 Per Person
(13 & up)
$70 Per Person
(12 & Under)

A leadership training course designed to build confidence, knowledge, and responsibility needed for those interested in camp counseling.  Please select your gender identity when registering. Note: CITs must leave camp at the departure time and return at the arrival time of the following session.

CLICK HERE for More Information and an Application.

Session Boys Girls Dates Cost
First Half of Summer OPEN OPEN June 15-21, June 22-28, and July 6-12 (weekends off)
$790 for 1st year, $395 for 2nd year
Second Half of Summer OPEN OPEN July 13-19, July 20-26, July -August 2 (weekends off)
$790 for 1st year, $395 for 2nd year


Sibling Discount of $15 is available for additional siblings.  To receive the sibling discount, you must place both siblings in the same cart when registering.

Ready to Register?



Check Availability

Open the appropriate program section above and confirm there is space available for your camper.


Proceed to our Registration Information and Registration Platform.