Seeking donations to the 2016 Silent Auction

Fall Work Weekend 2016 Wrap Up
September 28, 2016
Making Old Egypt New
September 28, 2016
Fall Work Weekend 2016 Wrap Up
September 28, 2016
Making Old Egypt New
September 28, 2016

Do you make a craft?   Can you donate a gift certificate from your business or solicit a gift card from a business you know?  You can help make our silent auction a success.  The 12th Annual Camp Wyandot Luncheon is Saturday, November 12, 2016, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm, at the Villa Milano Banquet and Conference Center in Westerville.  The silent auction is an important part of this event.  It raises about $3,000 and brings us together socially.

If you would like to donate something or you could solicit a donation, or if you have questions, please contact Sara Schaefer in the office or Nikki Spretnak at, 614-488-8860.  We have a letter you can give your donor with all the information they need to take a charitable deduction for their contribution, please contact us for a copy.

All items for the silent auction must be brought to the office by Friday, November 4.  Give us a call if you need to have your items picked-up.

Thank you and see you November 12.

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