Members of Camp Wyandot, Inc are valued and help us achieve our mission:
Camp Wyandot provides an inclusive nurturing environment for youth to have fun, make friends, serve others, and explore the great outdoors.
One of the most important privileges our members have is to vote for the issues and future leadership of our organization. According to the Bylaws:
All voting Members as defined in Article IV Section 1 who are in good standing 60 days prior to and including the day of a Corporation meeting shall have voting privileges at that Corporation meeting. Good standing includes the Member whose annual membership dues have been paid. This clause is effective January 1, 2022.
It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to maintain Member records and to monitor voting privileges at Member meetings.
This year sixty days prior to the Annual meeting is November 25, 2023. Our office encourages you to become a new member before that date in order to vote in the January Annual Meeting. Current Members with an expiration before the meeting, should renew by their expiration date in order to vote. The application for membership is below.