Available Soon! Camp Wyandot’s History Book 2
August 7, 2024
Available Soon! Camp Wyandot’s History Book 2
August 7, 2024

What makes Camp Wyandot so successful, for so many years?  One answer is our small but mighty workforce of dedicated volunteers!

Closing and winterizing Camp in the fall is just as important as opening it for the summer!  We appreciate our Fall Work Day Volunteers, who come to camp every September, to close camp and prepare for winter, as well as working on new projects and needed repairs.

Join us for a day of work, fellowship, and our beautiful fall camp on September 21, 2024, 9 to 5.  Bring along any friend or family member who will work – even kids – 10 years and up.

We provide lunch, so please register so we can plan ahead.  If you have special skills, please note that on your registration.  Staying over until Sunday is optional.

Staying over until Sunday, September 22 may be optional – let us know if  you are interested.



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