Nominating Committee is looking for potential Board Members!

Alumni Weekend is Almost Here!
July 26, 2013
Fall Fun Day
August 30, 2013
Alumni Weekend is Almost Here!
July 26, 2013
Fall Fun Day
August 30, 2013

Our nominating committee is responsible for finding candidates for the Board of Directors to be voted on by the membership at the annual meeting in January.


The current commmittee is as follows:

Richard Grawemeyer-Chair

Jessica Pierfelice

Alice Hohl

Joe Spinelli

Jeff Redfield


We are looking for the following skills/occupations:


-Teacher/Environmental Educator


-Business people from like-minded businesses (youth, outdoors, recreation, nature)

-Club Leader

-Youth Member


If you have a suggestion or nomination, please email Lindsey Christ at and it will be forwarded to the nominating committee.

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