Summer Camp 2016
April 30, 2016Camp Wyandot Summer Camp Open House THIS WEEKEND!
April 30, 2016Over 40 people attended our annual Spring Work Weekend down at Camp Wyandot April 22-24! It was a great turnout and we are so thankful to everyone who came to help out!!!
We were able to accomplish many much needed tasks and projects for the upcoming camp season! Some of those were:
Cleaning and inventorying all cabins
Fixing screens
Cleaning Egypt, Khru, and Alps
Organizing and cleaning the Craft Room
Cleaning the Dining Hall
Organizing and cleaning the kitchen
Cleaning out under Khru
Assembling shelves for the Walk-In Cooler
Breaking down and re-building shelving in dry pantry
Burn brush
Clear all trails
Re-build fence outside Dining Hall
Organize and inventory lakefront
Dig holes for new pool fence
Begin power washing pool
And more!
It was a busy weekend and we are so grateful for all the help!!!
In addition to these projects work continued on Egypt and began on Khru. Earlier in the week the concrete floor was poured for Khru and Chuck, Sr. and his brother, Rick, cut the doorway for the new entrance. On Friday, Sandy Clapp, Terri Smith, Connie Coutellier, Karen Brooks, Jolyn Vita, Michele Carpenter, Sue Lavitchka, and Sharon Kellum – the crafty and skilled team of women who are responsible for the wonderful addition on Cook’s cabin – started work on the boys side addition. With the help of Chuck, Sr., they were able to get all the walls framed and finished, and the roof put on. This project will be complete by the end of May and will include 2 toilets, 2 urinals, and a new double sink. These additions will double the use for the boys side just in time for summer!
Construction continues on Egypt shower house. As of today the walls are completed, the porch is poured, and the
roof is finished. Next step will be the inside! We are so excited about this project and are eager to see the finished results of Phase One by the beginning of June! If you are interested in contributing to this project in any way, please contact Connie Coutellier:
We are so enthusiastic and appreciative of all the wonderful improvements happening at Camp Wyandot this year! It is so nice to see people coming together to help enrich the beauty and stability of this place we all love so much.