The Search for Board Members

2024 FALL WORKDAY – Note: Change of Date!!
August 22, 2024
Remembering Nikki Spretnak
September 9, 2024
2024 FALL WORKDAY – Note: Change of Date!!
August 22, 2024
Remembering Nikki Spretnak
September 9, 2024
Greetings Camp Wyandot members and parents!
We hope that all is going well as families transition back to school. As we move towards the fall, our organization begins its yearly search for new members for our Board of Directors.
We are always searching for people who have a background in finance and/or accounting as one of the key roles of the Board is to ensure sound financial management and adequate finances to deliver our mission.
We are also looking for people with a legal background. Our desire is to have a Director with an in-depth knowledge of law and the legal system to help guide the Board, but not to act as our lawyer.
Most importantly though, we are on the lookout for people who feel that they have something to offer a non-profit youth organization with a focus on getting kids out into nature while developing life skills. While we may be actively seeking people with legal or accounting backgrounds, we know that there is no right or wrong skill set necessary to be an effective member of our Board. Having a diverse and well rounded Board will help our organization grow and provide the best possible programming and opportunities for our number 1 patrons, the children who are entrusted to us each and every year.
If you feel like you would make a good addition to our Board of directors, or if you would like more information about the organization and the role of the Board, please reach out to us.
Also, if you feel that you know someone who would be a good fit for us, please, don’t hesitate to send this message to them and/or reach out to us with their information. If joining the Board isn’t in the cards for you right now, but you are still interested in helping out, please reach out to the Camp Wyandot Office regarding other volunteer opportunities.
Camp Wyandot has been providing a safe and accepting place for getting kids out into nature since 1928, and we look forward to hearing from those interested in helping us continue our mission as we come to the end of our first century and move into our second and beyond.

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