Camp Wyandot Bulletin Board
Camp Registration is OPEN for day camp and overnight camp!
Donations are always welcome.
We are hiring staff for both Otonwe Day Camp and for Camp Wyandot! To apply, click the camp of your interest.
If you are a voting member, please watch for emails about our special meeting.
Breaking News from Camp Wyandot
Camp Wyandot is nestled in a valley, with Lake Atagahi at the center, and cabins and lodges lining the hills. Our younger campers reside in cabins on the right side of the lake, and our older campers and the Dining Hall are located on the hill on the left side of the lake. We have a swimming pool, a medical lodge for the camp nurse, and several other buildings in addition to the campers' cabins. Main bathhouses serve the needs of campers, and sleeping cabins remain primitive so the sounds of frogs and crickets are uninterrupted at night.