This email will serve as official notice that the Board of Directors is calling a Special Meeting November 19th via Zoom to vote on the updated and amended bylaws of the organization.
At the annual meeting in January, we convened discussion on proposed bylaws, and heard many critical suggestions and edits. Some were made on the spot, and others were taken back to the board for final wording. Although we fully intended to hold this special meeting for a final vote in March or April, our attentions turned elsewhere as we fought alongside Executive Director Connie Coutellier to give our campers a safe and real-life experience this summer. Against many difficult odds, we were able to hold all seven sessions of resident camp, and six of seven sessions of day camp, with many restrictions, a LOT of fun, and no outbreaks of Covid-19.
As a result of this interruption, we tabled the bylaws until after summer. At the July meeting of the board, the Board of Directors voted to approve the new amended bylaws and bring them to the full membership to be approved and enacted, as required by the current bylaws.
The agenda for the Special Meeting November 19 will be as follows:
6:30 pm Call to Order
Present the new bylaws for a vote
We invite all members in good standing to attend and vote. If you are not sure if your membership is current, please contact the office.
To receive the Zoom link to join the meeting, please fill out your name and email below and you will immediately receive the link.