Camp Wyandot

November 25, 2013

Seeking Potential Board Members

The nominating committee is up and running. We are currently seeking board member candidates for the election in January 2014.  It’s not too late to nominate yourself or someone else you think would be a good fit.  For additional information or to submit a potential candidate contact any member of the nominating […]
November 25, 2013

Calling all Camp Wyandot Alumni

We are looking to form an alumni committee and need your help. We are hoping to get a diverse age range (someone from each decade would be optimal). The main focus of the committee would be to help expand our alumni base. The committee would also be in charge of memorabilia at the luncheon […]
October 17, 2013

The passing of some beloved members

I have some very sad news. We have lost a number of Camp Fire Alumni recently. Our thoughts go out to their families and friends. They will be dearly missed. Linda “Tick” Flynn passed away suddenly on Tuesday. She was a huge part of this organization for many years and […]
October 4, 2013

9th Annual Camp Wyandot Luncheon—November 9th, 2013

You are invited to join us as we host the 9th Annual Camp Wyandot Luncheon The Next 100 Years of Camp Wyandot Started as a Camp Fire program in 1913, our organization has been in existence for 100 years.  We would like to celebrate the start of the next 100 […]
October 4, 2013

Volunteer Opportunities

Work Weekend Come on down to Camp Wyandot to help with various facility improvement projects.  The leaves are turning and the weather has been beautiful.  It should be a great time to visit the Hocking Hills.  Come for the weekend or just a few hours, any help is appreciated. Saturday […]
September 19, 2013

Cabin Rentals at Camp Wyandot

Come to Camp Wyandot this fall and winter and enjoy the seasonal changes in the Hocking Hills.  Cabins are available to rent for groups, families, or individuals.   Cabins range is price from $20-$60 per night and some of our specialty cabins have bathrooms, electricity, heat, and fireplaces.   Like […]
September 19, 2013

Camp Wyandot Work Weekend (October 12-13): Volunteers Needed!

Camp Wyandot  – October 12-13, 2013 Join us for this family and adult weekend where we fix-up camp in preparation for the winter season. Any kind of help is much appreciated, bring your family and friends for a nice fall weekend in the Hocking Hills! There is no cost to […]
September 19, 2013

Halloween in the Hills! October 19 – 20, 2013

This is a fun family event! Come and join us for a variety of activities including games, trick-or-treating and the not-so-scary haunted house. There will also be a cabin decorating contest, Halloween costume contest, and parade on cabin row, plus a campfire with s’mores! This event is co-sponsored by Gladden […]
August 30, 2013

The Big Give

The Big Give is the best time to give to Camp Wyandot! Make your gift during The Big Give and The Columbus Foundation will match a portion of your gift. The money raised from the Big Give will be used for improvements at Camp Wyandot.  Improvements include things such as […]
August 30, 2013

Camp Wyandot Membership Meeting-All are invited

All are invited to join in a discussion about what’s happening currently with Camp Wyandot and future plans for the organization.   We will give an update about finances and programming and are looking for input as we move forward. Thursday, September 12, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Grandview Heights Public […]
August 30, 2013

Fall Fun Day

Saturday, September 14, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Join us at Dragonfly Day Camp at Highbanks Metro Park, Highbanks Dragonfly (685 W. Powell Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035) for fun and games in the great outdoors! Learn outdoor skills. Create crafts. Sing songs and share stories around the campfire with smores and […]
August 30, 2013

Nominating Committee is looking for potential Board Members!

Our nominating committee is responsible for finding candidates for the Board of Directors to be voted on by the membership at the annual meeting in January.   The current commmittee is as follows: Richard Grawemeyer-Chair Jessica Pierfelice Alice Hohl Joe Spinelli Jeff Redfield   We are looking for the following […]