
July 30, 2015

Alumni Weekend is Just Weeks Away!

Come Celebrate the Community of Camp Wyandot! Join others who remember the traditions of Camp Wyandot, meet the next generation and introduce others to the unique experience. Share your memories of council fire, favorite cabins and trails while you reconnect with nature. Please contact your friends and family to invite […]
July 30, 2015

Silent Auction Items Needed

It’s that time of year again! The Annual Luncheon is fast approaching, and we need volunteers to help organize and coordinate the Auction as well as items to sell.  Handmade items, tickets, and gift certificates for services or restaurants always do very well.   If you have something you would […]
July 30, 2015

Upcoming Dates at Camp Wyandot!

We have several events planned down at Camp Wyandot in the next few months! Be sure to mark them on your calendars and don’t forget to register today! Alumni Weekend, August 14-16, 2015 Join us for our annual weekend of relaxation, fun, and walking down memory lane! Registration is now […]
July 30, 2015

Amazon Smile

Camp Wyandot, Inc is now on Amazon Smile!!! What is Amazon Smile? AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection […]
June 29, 2015

There’s Still Time to Register!

Have you signed up your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and friends for an amazing summer yet?! We still have room left in some of our summer sessions at both Camp Wyandot Day Camp and Camp Wyandot Overnight Camp! You don’t want to miss this opportunity!   We still have limited […]
June 29, 2015

In Memoriam

    It is with sad hearts we inform you of the passing of another great Camp Wyandot family member. Lee was a long time Camp Fire leader and Wyandot parent, friend, and contributor. We are sad to learn of her passing and will never forget her generosity and dedication […]
June 29, 2015

Alumni Weekend

Come Celebrate the Community of Camp Wyandot! Join others who remember the traditions of Camp Wyandot, meet the next generation and introduce others to the unique experience. Share your memories of council fire, favorite cabins and trails while you reconnect with nature. Please contact your friends and family to invite […]
June 29, 2015

Fall Work Weekend

Our Fall Work Weekend is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Sept 4-7, 2015 down at Camp Wyandot. Join us for a weekend of giving back to the place we all love! We will be cleaning up from a busy summer season and working on repairs and maintenance to prepare for the upcoming […]
June 29, 2015

Fall Work Weekend

Our Fall Work Weekend is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Sept 4-7, 2015 down at Camp Wyandot. Join us for a weekend of giving back to the place we all love! We will be cleaning up from a busy summer season and working on repairs and maintenance to prepare for the upcoming […]
May 29, 2015

2015 Camp Registrations are Strong!

With 2015 camp season fast approaching, our Day Camp and Overnight Camp registration numbers are strong – 400 registrations for Day Camp, and 416 for Overnight Camp! We still have open slots in some of the sessions for both camps, so we urge you to register soon in order to claim your […]
May 29, 2015

The Big Give Was Great for Camp Wyandot!

The preliminary results from the May 12 Columbus Foundation Big Give are in! During the designated 24 hour period, you responded by giving $15,856.98 to Camp Wyandot, a near-21% increase over the 2013 amount. Thank you! Your generosity will be very helpful in allowing us to continue to provide the […]
May 29, 2015

Spring Skills 2015

Spring Skills was held May 2-3 at Camp Wyandot. Wyandot Explorer Groups came down for a day of fun and activities including boating, archery, crafts, and more! One of the special projects everyone was able to participate in was the building of 12 new picnic tables for Camp Wyandot! Lisa […]