
June 29, 2015

Fall Work Weekend

Our Fall Work Weekend is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Sept 4-7, 2015 down at Camp Wyandot. Join us for a weekend of giving back to the place we all love! We will be cleaning up from a busy summer season and working on repairs and maintenance to prepare for the upcoming […]
May 29, 2015

2015 Camp Registrations are Strong!

With 2015 camp season fast approaching, our Day Camp and Overnight Camp registration numbers are strong – 400 registrations for Day Camp, and 416 for Overnight Camp! We still have open slots in some of the sessions for both camps, so we urge you to register soon in order to claim your […]
May 29, 2015

The Big Give Was Great for Camp Wyandot!

The preliminary results from the May 12 Columbus Foundation Big Give are in! During the designated 24 hour period, you responded by giving $15,856.98 to Camp Wyandot, a near-21% increase over the 2013 amount. Thank you! Your generosity will be very helpful in allowing us to continue to provide the […]
May 29, 2015

Spring Skills 2015

Spring Skills was held May 2-3 at Camp Wyandot. Wyandot Explorer Groups came down for a day of fun and activities including boating, archery, crafts, and more! One of the special projects everyone was able to participate in was the building of 12 new picnic tables for Camp Wyandot! Lisa […]
May 29, 2015

Wyandot Wish List

Summer Camp Season is happening soon, and there are several items we still need! Your gift helps us control the expenses of operating Camp, which keeps our costs competitive. Please contact our Camp Director, Connie Coutellier, at ccoutellier@gmail.com and let her know what you would like to purchase or donate. […]
May 29, 2015

Save the Date for Alumni Weekend!

More information will be coming soon, but mark your calendars and plan to attend the 2015 Camp Wyandot Alumni Weekend. The dates are August 14-16, 2015, and registration is live on the website (www.campwyandot.org). We’re very happy that Margie Dooley will once again be coordinating the weekend.
May 29, 2015

Kroger Community Rewards

Help fund-raise with the swipe of a card! Each time you shop at Kroger, you can earn Camp Wyandot, Inc money, through their Community Rewards program. Do you already have a Kroger Plus Card? Log-in if you’ve done this on their website before (remember to do this once a year!), or Enroll […]
April 30, 2015

Please Support Camp Wyandot Through The Big Give

From 10:00 AM EST on Tuesday, May 12 through 10:00 AM EST on Wednesday, May 13, you can help Camp Wyandot receive a much needed boost in revenue by making a secure donation through The Big Give, which is facilitated by the Columbus Foundation. A Bonus Pool of $1.3 million […]
April 30, 2015

Great Start for Camp Season!

As we head into the busiest time of camp registrations, our numbers are very positive! Today, we have 295 campers (including CITs and Camperships) registered for overnight camp, roughly 80 more than this time last year, and 275 campers (including Camperships) registered for day camp, which over 100 more than […]
April 30, 2015

Welcome New Staff Members

Camp Wyandot is fortunate enough to be able to welcome two new key staff members! Please join in welcoming Sara Schaefer Graves (Miss Twirp, to some) who joined us in March, quickly learned the details of her responsibilites, and is doing an excellent job as our Office Manager/Program Coordinator. Ben […]
April 30, 2015

Successful Work Weekend

Although the weekend weather was cold and wet April 24-26, a group of over 45 gathered at Camp Wyandot in the Hocking Hills to complete projects necessary to get camp ready to open for the upcoming season. Much work and several important projects were completed. We thank everyone who volunteered […]
April 30, 2015

Mark Your Calendars!

Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming events and deadlines!!!   Spring Skills Weekend May 2-3, 2015 at Camp Wyandot. Registration is closed, but if you would like to come down and volunteer, contact Sara at the office before 2pm on Friday!!! Camp Wyandot Overnight Camp Open House: Open House […]