Camp Wyandot

December 3, 2019

December Alumni Gathering

The December alumni gathering will be hosted by Nancy & Sally on December 14th at 1pm. They will have a big pot of soup waiting for you. Please bring a dish or drink to share, too. The Holidays can be a busy time so why not slow down for an […]
December 3, 2019

2020 Camp Wyandot Calendars For Sale

They make a great gift! The 2020 Camp Wyandot Calendars are available now at the office. It features beautiful year-round pictures of camp that bring back great memories. Call or email the office to purchase your calendars for $20.00 each. They can either be picked up at the office or […]
December 3, 2019

2019 Luncheon Results (We Announced a New Camp!)

We’re so pleased to announce that our 2019 Luncheon was a success! We set a record for the number of attendees who made a donation (105!) and unveiled our new day camp site in Grove City. If you loved the videos we shared, look below for links to watch them […]
December 3, 2019

Annual Meeting

Please note our change of venue for the Annual Meeting! January 23, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Dublin Branch Columbus Library75 N. High St. (downtown)Dublin, OH 43017 If you are a voting member, you may vote on any issues and new board candidates presented. The board is proposing some revisions of the […]
December 3, 2019

Work Weekend

Join us April 17 – 19, 2020 for a family and adult weekend as we prepare camp for the spring season.  We will clear cabins, units, and shower houses for the upcoming season of use.  There may be screens to repair or replace, porch floors that need attention, and fire […]
October 15, 2019

Annual Luncheon & Silent Auction: We Want You At Our Table!

Can you believe this is the 15th year for our Annual Luncheon? This year’s theme is: Changing Lives. 2019 Annual Luncheon 15th Annual Camp Wyandot Luncheon Saturday, November 2, 2019 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm Our Annual Luncheon was another success with 155 guests!  We had a good time and […]
October 15, 2019

Job Posting: Program/Officer Manager

Program/Office Manager Camp Wyandot, Inc., a non-profit youth organization is seeking a program/office Manager. This is a part-time position offering 20-25 hours per week. The office in the Grandview area of Columbus but may require visits to camps and special event sites. Office hours are 9-3 Monday – Thursday and […]
October 3, 2019

Sad News: Passing of Millie Eckhart

We mourn the passing of Millie Eckhart on September 24, 2019.  While a student at North High School, Millie was a member of the legendary DeLoHa Horizon Club, made up of girls from several Camp Fire groups city wide. Our sources say DeLoHa stood for ten (Deca), Loyal and Happy, […]
September 28, 2019

Oct. Alumni Gathering: Group campfire!

Our September Alumni Gathering (the first ever!) was a great success! We had 10 grownups and some youngins, and a few of us even made a craft out of pine needles! Thanks so much to Marie Trudeau for being the first brave soul to host one of these new gatherings. […]
September 27, 2019

Blues Band Concert could net Camp $2,000! Invite your friends!

Camp has been chosen as one of four Columbus charities to compete for a donation at the Big Rockin Blues Band Concert! Enjoy a beautiful concert outdoors at the Kessler Barn on the southeast side of Columbus, featuring our own Jenny Morgan! It will be a fun time either way, […]
September 26, 2019

Halloween in the Hills!

Camp can be spooky under a full moon anytime of the year, but take full advantage by joining us in October for Halloween in the Hills Saturday October 19, 2019! Halloween in the Hills features holiday favorites like costume contests, games & crafts, trick-or-treating down Cabin Row and a “not […]
September 3, 2019

New: In-town Alumni Gatherings.

Make new friends, but keep the old. We are introducing monthly alumni gatherings to keep the ties strong and to accommodate our alumni who cannot attend the annual November Luncheon or Alumni Weekend and miss their connections with club members and cabin mates from years past. Whether you were a […]