
June 1, 2016

Kroger Community Rewards Renewal Time!

Help fund-raise with the swipe of a card! Each time you shop at Kroger, you can earn Camp Wyandot, Inc money, through their Community Rewards program. Do you already have a Kroger Plus Card? Log-in if you’ve done this on their website before (remember to do this once a year!), orEnroll to […]
June 1, 2016

Outdoor Skills Day Wrap-Up 2016

Outdoor Skills Day was held April 30th at Camp Wyandot. Wyandot Explorer Groups came down for a day of fun and activities including boating, archery, fire building, knife safety, and more. Everyone had the opportunity to make their very own Camp Wyandot terrarium, to take a piece of camp home with them! […]
April 30, 2016

Camp Wyandot Summer Camp Open House THIS WEEKEND!

Join us at Camp Wyandot for our Summer Camp Open House on Sunday, May 1, 2016 from 1-4pm! Our Camp Director, Connie Coutellier, and other camp staff will be onsite to answer questions and lead tours around the camp! If you, or anyone you know, are interested in their kids […]
April 30, 2016

Spring Work Weekend Wrap-Up & Project Update

Over 40 people attended  our annual Spring Work Weekend down at Camp Wyandot April 22-24! It was a great turnout and we are so thankful to everyone who came to help out!!! We were able to accomplish many much needed tasks and projects for the upcoming camp season! Some of […]
April 30, 2016

Summer Camp 2016

Registration for this summer’s Day and Overnight Camps at Camp Wyandot is well underway! We are ahead of our numbers last year for Overnight Camp and it looks like it will be another great season! With nearly 300 campers registered already, we are on track for a full summer! We […]
April 30, 2016

Alumni Weekend: August 19-21, 2016

Come Celebrate the Community of Camp Wyandot! Join others who remember the traditions of Camp Wyandot, meet the next generation and introduce others to the unique experience. Share your memories of council fire, favorite cabins and trails while you reconnect with nature. Please contact your friends and family to invite […]
April 30, 2016

Kathleen Murphy: YWCA 2016 Women of Achievement Award Recipient

We congratulate Kathleen Murphy for being selected for the YWCA 2016 Women of Achievement  award.  In 2011 Kathleen’s company, MurhpyEspon, helped us develop a marketing plan for our camps and develop marketing tools, some of which we still use today.  The result of her efforts was a 19% increase in campers at both the […]
April 30, 2016

Kathleen Murphy: YWCA 2016 Women of Achievement Award Recipient

We congratulate Kathleen Murphy for being selected for the YWCA 2016 Women of Achievement  award.  In 2011 Kathleen’s company, MurhpyEspon, helped us develop a marketing plan for our camps and develop marketing tools, some of which we still use today.  The result of her efforts was a 19% increase in campers at both the […]
March 31, 2016

Flower Sale Deadline: April 8th!

It’s time for our Annual Flower Sale! Spread the word! We are once again having our flower sale fundraiser for camperships! Help us raise money to send kids to camp! We will be taking orders from now until April 8th! Pick up will be at the Camp Wyandot, Inc Office […]
March 31, 2016

Spring Work Weekend…Just Weeks Away!

Camping season is almost upon us and it is once again time to start thinking about getting camp ready for the summer! We will be having our annual Spring Work Weekend April 22-24 down at Camp Wyandot! We have several projects we will be working on and would love to […]
March 31, 2016

Outdoor Skills Day: April 30, 2016

Wyandot Explorers’ annual Outdoor Skills Weekend at Camp Wyandot will be April 30-May 1, 2016. Participants will enjoy a day of nature study and learning outdoor living skills. We will have a Council Fire Saturday evening to celebrate accomplishments! Each group will need to bring a sack lunch or their own food supplies to […]
March 31, 2016

Spring Construction at Camp Wyandot

There are several exciting projects going on at Camp Wyandot right now we would like to share with you! As many of you know, there were major changes made to Cooks Cabin in 2015 including a 2 bedroom addition, a large deck, and a remodeled bathroom. All that remains is […]