
May 27, 2021

Greetings from Sparrow

In response to the global pandemic, I often reply with “What a time to be alive!” We are living in the chapter of a history book. COVID-19 has added a unique obstacle in terms of preparing for camp this summer. Wyandot staff and friends are volunteering their time and working […]
May 27, 2021


Soon we will be gathered for Opening Fire!  Here is one of our favorite songs:   The flicker of a campfire, the wind in the pines, The stars in the heaven, the moon that shines, A place where people gather to make friends of all kinds, A place where old […]
May 27, 2021

. . . Hey “Grown-Ups”!  Camp isn’t just for kids!

Adults who love camp have several opportunities to enjoy a week of camp in August.  We hope you will join us in our adult camp session:  Plein Air Watercolor Workshop.  The Watercolor Workshop is held as an adult camp session right after the last group of children finish camp for […]
April 29, 2021

Our Alumni Weekend 2021

Alumni weekend is back!  This year’s get-together will be on August 13 – 15, 2021, at beautiful Camp Wyandot! Remember songs around the campfire, bullfrogs and whippoorwills, and good times with your friends?  Join us for a weekend of fun and friendship! Please remember, this weekend is open to all, […]
April 28, 2021

Ah… The Anticipation of CAMP!

Camp is nearly full, and we are excited in anticipation of our 2021 camp seasons.  Camp Wyandot staff will report for Pre-Camp on June 9 – 18 and Camp Otonwe staff will report for Pre-Camp on June 7 – 11, to get ready for our summer fun! Camp Otonwe opens […]
April 28, 2021

Rentals for late Spring

We have a few dates left for renting a cabin at camp.  Contact Margie margie@campwyandot.org to see if any desired dates are available.  When you need a “Camp Wyandot” visit to perk you up, this is the perfect solution!
April 28, 2021

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

The flower sale pick-up was at 1890 Northwest Blvd. on May 8, 10:30 – Noon! Thanks to everyone who ordered flowers – we had a very successful flower sale this year, with a larger number of orders compared to past years!  Proceeds from the flower sale help to boost our […]
April 22, 2021

Camp Wyandot Open House 2021

Update:  Families who attended Open House enjoyed nice weather and were able to view the camp, cabins, and talk to staff – especially meeting Sparrow, our new camp director! Spring is here!  (Even if we did have snow this morning!)  We are holding an Open House at Camp Wyandot Overnight […]
March 19, 2021

2021 Alumni Annual Flower Sale!

Update:  We have received many flower orders!  Don’t forget to pick up your flowers on May 8, from 10:30 to Noon, at the business office parking lot, at 1890 Northwest Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio 43214!   Last summer in spite of COVID-19, we were able to provide a much needed outdoor […]
March 19, 2021

Spring Work Day, April 17, 2021

Update: Spring Work Day was a huge success. We had 36 volunteers, who did a lot of work! We thank the volunteers for their hard work and TLC of camp, and we thank the committee and Chuck for a successful event! Please stay tuned to see what we are able […]